Melasma Treatment Miami
Idealaser Cosmetic Center
Understanding Melasma
Along with aging and acne concerns, uneven pigmentation is one of the most common complaints skin care professionals hear in the treatment room. Changes in skin pigmentation can occur due to many different factors and can be the most difficult issue to tackle in the treatment room. Perhaps one of the most challenging pigmentary conditions to treat is melasma, a common disorder of hyperpigmentation that affects more than five million Americans. Melasma, also known as chloasma, is a tan or dark facial skin discoloration. It is one of the most challenging skin conditions to treat and can reappear. In Idealaser we found the solution but the best way to understand the control is to know the cause and how to treat.
Darker Skin Photo types
Patients with darker skin types have a higher level of melanocyte activity, and special care must be taken to prevent hyperpigmentation. People of African, Hispanic, Indian, and Asian descent are at a greater risk of developing melasma and hyperpigmented disorders.
Causes of Melasma
UV Radiation
Ultra violet radiation contributes to the development and the exasperation of melasma. UV radiation can cause both, an increase in melanin production and transfer, as well as an increase in the number of melanocytes. It is important to know, that patients with lighter skin types and living in an area of high sun exposure, are also at high risk of developing melasma.
Melasma is a condition that is commonly found in pregnant women, women taking oral contraceptives, or women on hormone replacement therapy (HRT). In pregnant women,
melasma tends to fade post-partum but can return with subsequent pregnancies. The discoloration will usually disappear over a period of several months after giving birth. On the other hand, melasma caused by oral contraceptive use typically does not fade after discontinuing use of the drug.
Medical Conditions
There are certain medical conditions that can bring the onset of melasma. The incidence of melasma increases in patients with thyroid disease, and can also be associated with Addison’s disease, which is an endocrine (hormonal) disorder. With Addison’s disease, a minor injury can stimulate the onset of this condition.
Stress, Medications, and Cosmetics
It is thought that the overproduction of the melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) brought on by stress, can also cause outbreaks of this condition. Other rare causes of melasma include allergic reaction to medications and cosmetics.
How Do I Know the Difference Between Sun Damage and Melasma?
You, skincare or Laser specialist, will know the difference! Although there are some differences between Melasma and sun damage or age spots like someone’s knows that you need to have under consideration. Melasma has different patterns, is generally very symmetrical nature, generally has defined edges while sun damage is poorly defined and diffuse. In the case of sunspots if a sun block is using regularly, a skin care program and procedures such as peels and lasers can provide a permanent improvement. Melasma, on the other hand, is a medical condition and causes can vary; hormonal imbalances is the number 1 cause for what many known as the spots of pregnancy, in other cases it is hereditary, dermatologists associate it with stress and abuse of son with not adequate protection, melasma as the condition has no cure just We can control it so it is not rare if after a successful treatment recurred.
In the case of sun damage or aging spots as some call it they have no symmetry or order with respect to location. The spots are of different sizes and color density.
There are several methods to control melasma and sunspots, but it is also important to deal with a specialist with experience in these types of treatments for hyperpigmentation of the skin, even when their looks similar both are different with different respond such as the use of lasers are not recommended in the treatment of Melasma since there is a risk that they become darker, In other hands the laser is the method More effective for elimination and control of brown spots.
Diana Guzman
I’m so in love with my face now. So many years battling with facial hair and spending thousands of dollars in waxing … I’m in love with my laser results. The place is beautiful. The staff is amazing and I’m extremely pleased with my beautiful smooth skin now. Thank you thank you thank you! I wished I would’ve done it before. I highly recommend Idea Lazer to EVERYONE!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Sallie Alvarez
I had laser done and I am so happy with the results. It was not painful at all and have not had anymore hair growth. This place is amazing and very clean. And the staff is friendly. I also had a facial and microdermabrasion. I am so glad I switched out of my previous facial lady. It was an amazing experience.